Support for Dr Colin Pfaff

  • van: David Cameron
  • ontvanger: Department of Health, Kwa Zulu-Natal

We fully support the actions taken by Dr Colin Pfaff in providing the dual therapy to HIV positive pregnant women in Manguzi Hospital and its surrounding clinics prior to the announcement of dual therapy as part of the official South African government policy. We believe that Dr Pfaff has demonstrated both courage and leadership in ensuring the best possible care for these women and their babies. In doing so he has reduced the number of babies that would have been infected by at least 50%.  We believe that Dr Pfaff deserves to be highly commended for the excellent work he has been doing to prevent the transmission of the HI virus to so many children.

We the undersigned request that all charges against Dr Colin Pfaff for providing dual therapy to HIV pregnant women, be unconditionally withdrawn. We fully support the actions taken by Dr Pfaff in introducing dual therapy prior to the change in the South African government's policy. His action has benefitted these women and has reduced by 50% the transmission of the HI virus from infected women to their babies during pregnancy.
We believe that he should be commended for his dedicated work.
Thank you for taking the time to read this petition.
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