Save "The Chicago Code!"

Let Us Not Lose Another Quality Television Show. "The Chicago Code" speaks the myriad sides of our communities and its a voice that needs hearing. With excellent writing, excellent acting, and a wonderfully in-depth storyline, "The Chicago Code" is one of few television shows that truly entertain!

SAVE "The Chicago Code!"

We are writing you today to inform you that we are on a mission to save, %u201CThe Chicago Code,%u201D from permanent cancellation.

With the onset of poorly-written television shows, and other types of television programming, %u201CThe Chicago Code,%u201D was one of few that stood out in the crowd with excellent writing, character development, a set of fresh, new faces, and a wonderfully-layered storyline that kept viewers engrossed weekly.

The three of us initiated one of the first, if not, the first Save %u201CThe Chicago Code%u201D Fan Pages on Facebook, which can be found here: and we do plan to rally a social media campaign to bring awareness to our cause.

We%u2019re also now on Twitter:

We ask that you reconsider and renew %u201CThe Chicago Code%u201D for many seasons to come.

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