DSM Revision Petition

  • van: Susan Wright
  • ontvanger: American Psychiatric Association

The DSM Revision Petition is gathering signatures from individuals and organizations calling on the American Psychiatric Association (APA) to require that all diagnoses in its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) be based on empirical research. The DSM Revision Petition will collect signatures from June 2008 through December 2009.

"We, the undersigned, support the American Psychiatric Association's (APA) own goal of making its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) a scientific document, based on empirical research and devoid of cultural bias. A diagnosis of a mental disorder can have a severe adverse impact on employment opportunities, child custody determinations, an individual's well-being, and other areas of functioning. Therefore we urge the APA to remove all diagnoses that are not based upon peer-reviewed, empirical research, demonstrating distress or dysfunction, from the DSM. The APA specifically should not promote current social norms or values as a basis for clinical judgments."

We, the undersigned, support the American Psychiatric Association's (APA) own goal of making its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) a scientific document, based on empirical research and devoid of cultural bias.  A diagnosis of a mental disorder can have a severe adverse impact on employment opportunities, child custody determinations, an individual's well-being, and other areas of functioning. Therefore we urge the APA to remove all diagnoses that are not based upon peer-reviewed, empirical research, demonstrating distress or dysfunction, from the DSM.  The APA specifically should not promote current social norms or values as a basis for clinical judgments.

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