China's Animals
- van: Emily
- ontvanger: U.S. and Chinese Government
Some Chinese Believe "The slower and more painful animals are killed, the better the taste." The methods in which they kill these animals is barbaric! China currently has no laws to protect them, and if we don't take a stand for them who will? Please help me end this horrific suffering. ~Thank you~ Every Signature is greatly appreciated. my website and contact info is at
We the undersigned, believe that China's barbaric ways of killing animals has got to stop! How would you feel if some one thought that the slower and more pain involved in you death made you tastier? I would do anything in my will not to be in that position, animals have always provided comfort for me in hard times, and how do we repay them? animals look up to us and when they are being "trapped" by us, they still seem to keep hopeful until there suffering ends.Thank you for your time and I pray you consider the above.
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