Canadians concerned about fracing

Mr. Richard Moorman, CEO of Tamboran, has made the statement that only 'one woman' in Alberta is concerned about fracing in our province. He has hinted that there is little concern about the technology by Canadians and the Canadian government. Lets tell him that there are plenty of people here who are worried about more than just jobs, and know the true 'ethics' of 'ethical oil' are few and far between.

Mr. Moorman is attempting to discredit up coming talks by Jessica Ernst as she tours Ireland, a country on the cusp of major non-conventional shale and coal bed hydrocarbon exploration. Help support Jessica as she spreads the word on the risks of fracing.
Dear Mr. Richard Moorman,

On behalf of our fellow Canadians we would like to inform you that there are many citizens in our country concerned about fracing. Many of us have lost our well water, our family farms, our lively hoods to the mindless exploration of unconventional natural gas. Many of us live in urban centres and see the damage being done to the air and water that surround us, and are deeply troubled by corruption in regulators and governments.

For you to say that only one 'woman' in Alberta is concerned about the dangers of fracing is ignorant, sexist, and wrong. Canadians all across our country are dealing with the fallout of the oil and gas industry, and we are deeply concerned. Plenty of us do not mimic the pro oil and gas industry doctrine that our current government spouts and spreads to the world. We know the lack of ethics in 'ethical oil'.

We encourage you, and citizens of countries in which your company operates, to think long and hard about the risks of fracing for hydrocarbons. Unconventional exploration has done a great deal of damage in Canada, not to mention dozens of other countries around the world. It's left families with water poisoned with carcinogens, or so full of methane and hydrocarbons it can be set on fire right from the tap. Thousands of workers in the industry have been exposed to cancer causing agents with little or no concern from their employers.

We all understand the needs of economics, many of us concerned Canadians work in the oil and gas sector and still feel there are serious flaws in fracing and unconventional exploration methods. So we encourage you, and your corporation, to think beyond profit margins. That is why we are proud to have Jessica Ernst visiting Ireland to share the dangers to water, health, and environment.

Thank you for taking the time to read about the growing number of Canadians who share the same concerns as Jessica Ernst, who is far from a lone Albertan.
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