Ban Animal Dissection In All Schools

Dissection is the cutting into of a dead animal to learn about the anatomy or physiology of the animal. It involves cutting into a dead animal while vivisection entails cutting into or dissecting a live animal. Over six million animals are killed for the dissection industry each year.


The new school year is just around the corner which means science classes everywhere are getting ready to start dissections on thousands of animals. This is all done in the interest of studying biology, the study of living things. The practice of dissecting animals is a controversial topic with more and more people developing negative opinions towards it. These animals are killed for the sole purpose of teaching students more about how living things work, but with new computer technology there are more opportunities to learn without the mass murder of innocent animals.

Animal dissection should be banned

Animal dissection labs are an unethical and unnecessary part of the secondary school biology curriculum.
The millions of animals that are dissected each year in education systems are subjects of severe animal abuse (PETA paragraph 1). Many of these animals are sold to schools from fur companies, pet stores and, many times, slaughterhouses (PETA paragraph 2). Animals are often stockpiled on top of one another and shipped in crowded containers with no temperature regulation, food, or water (NEAVS paragraph 4). Animals are treated unjustly, and by buying these dissection sets, it is funding and promoting the abuse of animals.

Should schools ban animal dissection?

Thirteen percent of all students who have dissected have been caught be police in their areas abusing live animals with the same techniques taught in school. This lesson is cruel and gross to many kids, and the amount of online dissections lessons are growing every year. I think that even learning this gruesome tacks online can teach a child to enforce pain onto an animal.

Please Help Ban Dissection In ALL Schools

Ethical Science & Education Coalition
333 Washington St., Ste. 850
Boston, MA 02108-5100
Telephone: 617-523-6020 Ext. 27
Fax: 617-523-7925
Web Site:

Schools should ban dissections, that is a choice some children may choose later in life, but not now. Some children may feel uncomfortable. Dissection is a mature factor that older and more mature adults can handle. Some children can faint at death and inside parts, and that is not right. Dissection should be a choice, not a requirement. They are JUST children! Why should they be put through dissections a dead creature?

Killing Compassion and Love for Science
Classroom dissection desensitizes students to the sanctity of life. Research has shown that a significant number of students at every educational level are uncomfortable with the use of animals in dissection and experimentation. Studies also suggest that exposing young people to animal dissection as %u201Cscience%u201D can foster a callousness toward animals and nature and even dissuade some from pursuing careers in science.

We The Undersigned Urge You To Ban Animal Dissection In ALL Schools
Thank you for your co-operation.

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