Shimmer was attacked by a unleashed pitbull while taking her daily walk, we demand Justice for Shimmer

  • van: Alec J
  • ontvanger: I target the owner of the dog and the home

On June 16th 2018 in Brookly NY, on Crecent St and Loring Ave while taking Shimmer for a walk we walked to a house while there seem to be a bbq there was also a unleash pitbull sitting amongst the adults, by the time I noticed the vicious dog running towards us I attempted to grab Shimmer up but it was too late the pitbull snatched her out my arms and continued to shake her, the owner of the dog did not rush to take his dog off right away, my dog was injured so badly.
I called the cops which took over 40mins to get on scene, their response was there is nothing they can do about it so I will have to go to civil court, by the time the cops tried to talk to them they had already hide the dog and claims that the attack was not on their property.
I demand justice for Shimmer because she did not deserve to lose her life with something that could have been avoided, these people need to feel the way I feel, Shimmer went into surgery, came home and on day 4 passed away, it broke my heart, she was only 4 and very much a happy dog, please help me get justice for Shimmer, these people need to own up to their responsibilities

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