Save Pickerel Lake

Petition to oppose RV Campground on Pickerel Lake
Hubbard County

We are united and opposing the proposed establishment of an RV Campground on Pickerel Lake.
We believe that this development will have detrimental effects on the lake. Here are some key reasons why we are urging you to join us in preventing this project.

Environment Impact - We feel the RV Park is not reasonably consistent with the existing development and use of the lake as outlined in Section 302 of Article 3 (page 25) of the Hubbard County Shoreland Management Ordinance No. 17.
The Eagles Nest is within 500 feet of the proposed RV Park.
There will be changes in habitat that will affect the loons and fish.

Boat Traffic - (boat density to the 314-acre lake). Section 1105, Subsection 1L (page 68) as stated in the Hubbard County Shoreland Management Ordinance No. 17 Calls for assessment to the types, uses & numbers of watercraft that the project will generate in relation to the suitability of public waters to safely accommodate these watercrafts. Common standards show the lake would
be overburdened with boat traffic.

Traffic & Road Conditions - Holly Drive is already overdriven and is prone to severe washboarding.

We respectively request the local authorities oppose the development of an RV Park on this small lake at Park Rapids MN. Together, let's protect what makes our community special - its pristine environment - and long term viability of the lake.

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Update #111 maanden geleden
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