Tell the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to Fully Investigate and Prosecute Cecil the Lion's Killer
As you probably know, Cecil was a protected lion living in the Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe. He was recently lured with bait and brutally killed by an American dentist looking for a thrill.
The Doris Day Animal League is calling on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to fully investigate and prosecute Cecil’s killer to the fullest extent of the law for violations of the Lacey Act and to upgrade lions as "endangered" and protected from harm under the Endangered Species Act.
The fact is that these cowardly killings will only stop is if we hold those responsible accountable for their actions and if lions are fully protected via the Endangered Species Act. Please join us in urging the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to fight for justice for Cecil and other endangered and protected animals illegally killed for "sport."
Dear Director Ashe,
The loss of Cecil the lion to a thrill seeking trophy hunter is tragic and the continued loss of African lions is inexcusable. I strongly urge you to fully investigate and prosecute Cecil's killer to the fullest extent of the law for violations of the Lacey Act.
Equally important — finish the work started to protect the African lion population by securing their status as "endangered" under the Endangered Species Act.
These cowardly killings will only stop if we hold perpetrators accountable and lions are fully protected.
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