Preserve your last seeds of ancient civilisation, save Greece, save Greeks from their corrupt goverm

How would the world be if Greece never existed?...We are pretty close at ending the most ancient civilisation of the world.

While Merkel and the EU are celebrating for their insane  monetary deals, thousands of Greeks are already starving, celebrating a whole new  generation of homeless and unemployed.

Not because the EU could not support Greece to develop its infranstructure (i.e. tourism, philosophy, education), but because  they could not buy the whole country cheap, if they did.

A fake crisis was staged, deals were made. Great deals. 
Greece was ruled (and is still ruled) by politicians that acted as traitors of their nation, of their culture, of their heritage. 
The corrupt govermental system and the manipulative plans of bringing an economical crisis to Greece, will surely be of benefit for the US economical crisis(not so advertised by the media, for strategic reasons) , dropping the euro down, bringing the dollar up just so to keep up with the federal bank's equilibrium.  

Sign this petition to stop this miserable fake crisis manipulation experiment cancel all fake debts made by traitor deals and give Greeks back their country and their lives. Play with other toys. Greece has been known through the ages of being a dangerous and too valuable of a toy to mess with.  

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