Protect Funding for Clean Water
Water is one of the most basic necessities -- but 900 million people around the globe still struggle to find clean water for themselves and their families. The consequences are dire. Each year, lack of access to clean water and sanitation kills 1.8 million children under the age of five.
Right now, Congress is considering massive funding cuts for foreign aid -- including the programs that provide clean water to the world's poorest and most vulnerable people. These programs make up only a tiny fraction of the federal budget, but they have a lifesaving impact for millions around the world.
Tell Congress that we can't balance the budget by cutting programs that help millions in desperate poverty access the water they need to survive.
Dear [Representative],
Water is one of the essentials for life.
[Your comment will be added here]As one of the wealthiest countries in the world, we have a moral imperative to help those who don't even have clean water to drink. Funding for water and sanitation programs comprise less than .002% of the budget, yet some of your colleagues have proposed cuts that would gut these programs.
Cuts to these programs are unjust and unnecessary. Last year, they helped 2.8 million people gain access to clean water, and another 2.9 million get sanitation services that prevent sickness and disease. For programs that make a lifesaving impact, they comprise a tiny piece of overall federal spending -- and cutting them will not make significant progress towards balancing the federal budget.
On behalf of the 900 million people without clean water, I urge you to preserve funding for foreign aid that provides clean water to families around the world.
Thank you.
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