Tell the Supreme Court to let the Trump trial proceed while they’re deciding his appeal

As you may have seen in our earlier action, the Supreme Court has agreed to hear Trump's absurd "total immunity" appeal. And it won't even start until April 22nd, with the trial now on hold until that appeal is finished.

The Supreme Court should remove that hold and let the trial proceed immediately.

There is no reason why the trial should halt, just because the Supreme Court is taking its sweet time to get to work.

The trial can and should go forward immediately, beginning with the usual pretrial motions.  There's no way it will finish before April, and probably a few months more, so we will have a ruling from the Supreme Court before the trial concludes, and can act accordingly.  But we won't have wasted precious time doing nothing in the meantime.

Yes, the Supreme Court should never have taken the appeal.  But if they're going to do it, they should let the trial proceed, so we all can have a verdict on Trump's guilt before the election.

Add your name, and tell the Supreme Court to remove the hold and let the trial proceed immediately.

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