Tell world leaders: ACT NOW for 130 million girls out of school

Educate a girl in one of the world's poorest countries, and it won't just change her world.  It could change yours too.

130 million girls are not in school right now. That's 130 million potential engineers, entrepreneurs and political leaders the world is missing out on.  Education is one of the most powerful weapons in the fight against extreme poverty - so it's an outrage that so many girls are still denied the chance to learn.

In the next few months, we've got an incredible opportunity to change this. Global leaders are being asked to crowdfund one of the biggest education funders in the world's poorest countries. If they all chip in enough, it would mean millions more girls will have the chance to complete a full 12 years of school. That's a whole lot more educated girls who could go on to change the world.

Tell world leaders to fund education and make sure all girls count.

Dear World Leaders,

130 million girls are out of school - this is a crisis and we need to act. Please fully finance the Global Partnership for Education as part of the solution so it can help millions of girls in the poorest countries get the education they deserve.

petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen


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