He Kicked a Little Puppy Over and Over Again and Then Claimed He Was Innocent. Ban Him from Animal Ownership!

A little 12-week-old puppy named Bruno was just getting acquainted with the world and his family. While out on a walk with his owner, he needed to go to the bathroom, so he paused to address these bodily needs.

That's when a neighbor witnessed the pet's owner starting to repeatedly kick the puppy - then yank on his leash so hard that his little legs were lifted off the ground. The neighbor was so disturbed, they recorded the violence on camera.

Sign the petition to keep other animals safe by demanding that Oregon officials ban this man from owning, living with, or working with pets ever again.

Because of the video evidence, authorities arrested the man and charged him with animal abuse and disorderly conduct. Yet he's still somehow claiming he's not guilty! Obviously he has not taken any accountability for his behavior or spent any time reflecting on how to change and be a better pet owner.

In fact, not only did he plead not guilty - despite clear video footage - he also went to his neighbor's home and kicked their door when he realized he'd been reported!

This man obviously has a history of violence against pets and property. We have to ensure that authorities intervene now to save innocent lives. He has proven he cannot be trusted with their care and safety.

Oregon authorities must ban this man from ever owning, working with, or living with any animals in the future! They must protect future pets, and also send a strong message that animal cruelty will not be tolerated.
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petitie tekenen
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