Stop the Cruelty at Livestock Auctions. Demand Better Enforcement of Farm Animal Welfare Laws!

More than 30 states have enacted animal welfare laws to protect farm animals at livestock auctions. Sadly, numerous Animals' Angels investigations have revealed that these legal protections are often ignored and rarely enforced.  

Electric prods are commonly used on calves and downer cows, sick animals are left to die without assistance, injured animals receive no veterinary care, and animals are left without food and water for extended periods of time. Without proper oversight and accountability, these abuses will continue. 

But there is hope for these animals — Animals' Angels has a proven track record of using evidence obtained from our undercover investigations to hold violators of animal protection laws accountable. In fact, evidence obtained during one of our investigations resulted in three separate convictions of animal cruelty against the New Holland Sales Barn, the largest livestock auction on the East Coast. 

With your support we can continue our work to hold animal abusers accountable, demand better legal protections, and provide comfort, food, water, and veterinary care to the animals we encounter in the field, whenever possible. Will you join our call to stop cruelty at livestock auctions? 

Sign the petition today to demand better enforcement of farm animal welfare laws!

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