Take action to protect serval cats!

You may be aware that BC SPCA animal protection officers seized 13 serval cats from breeders near Kamloops in June. These exotic, wild cats were found living in horrific conditions, including abysmal housing, inadequate care and inappropriate diet contributing to broken bones.
In a bittersweet victory, after months of specialized care, the B.C. Farm Industry Review Board has awarded custody of all 13 serval cats to the BC SPCA. They will not be returned to their former owners. Instead, these wild animals will be transferred to accredited sanctuaries to live out their wild lives.
Unfortunately, there is a chance that this could happen again. The breeding and possession of servals remains legal in B.C. But it doesn't have to be this way.
The B.C. government could add the serval to the Controlled Alien Species (CAS) list, which would make the importation, breeding, sale, display and private possession of servals illegal — just the same as tigers, lions, leopards and other wild cats.
Once on the prohibited list, these exotic cats will no longer be able to be kept by private individuals - nor bred, sold, imported, or put on public display — just like tigers, lions, leopards and other wild cats.
Add your name and join us in asking the Director of Wildlife and Habitat for the B.C. government to add serval cats to the Controlled Alien Species list.
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