Stand Up to Plastic Pollution

Every year, plastic pollution entering our oceans weighs more than three times the planet's entire blue whale population.

Plastic pollution is so widespread that tiny microplastics you can't see are contaminating our food, drinking water and even our bodies. Plastic pollution is a threat to the health of nature and the health of our communities, especially the most vulnerable populations.

World leaders need to act. The United Nations is working to adopt the first-ever international, legally binding agreement to end plastic pollution — and we're urging leaders from more than 175 countries to make this a strong and binding treaty when they meet this year.

Pledge to stand with The Nature Conservancy as we call on world leaders to Stand Up to Plastic Pollution.
Yes, I agree that we must take immediate action against plastic pollution. Now is the time to come together and enact international laws to significantly reduce plastic production. I'm adding my voice to The Nature Conservancy's call on more than 175 world leaders to act, so we can protect our health and the health of nature.
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