Stop Iceland Killing Endangered Whales

Iceland could kill up to 184 endangered fin whales in 2013 -- help us stop them. The Hvalur whaling company is Iceland's biggest whaler. In the past 7 years, Hvalur has killed 280 endangered fin whales! The company's managing director, Kristjan Loftsson claims that 'whales are just another fish.'

Loftsson is using oil from dead whales to fuel his hunting ships so that he can kill even more endangered whales. He also sells the whale meat to Japan for pet dogs to eat!

Iceland has a growing whale-watching tourism market. This sustainable industry is many times more profitable than whaling. The Icelandic Tourism Association has already said it doesn't want whaling to continue.

A new government is now in charge in Iceland and we need to let the President know that the world will not stand by as more endangered whales die.

Sign this petition to Iceland's President and let him know you want to see whales safe and free, not boiled up for boat fuel or fed to dogs.
Dear President Grimsson,

It's bad enough that minke whales are already dying to feed tourists who would never dream of eating whale meat at home; but now I learn that endangered fin whales die to feed pet dogs in Japan.

It's bad enough that the whaler's boats have made minke whales wary of all vessels -- and in so doing risk ruining whale watching, an industry many times more profitable than whaling -- but now I learn that Kristjan Loftsson uses oil from dead fin whales to catch more.

All of this is incredible to me. This is callous slaughter for the sake of profit. It represents pure greed on the part of whalers like Loftsson, but is also selfish and illogical. At a time when Iceland has never been more popular as a tourism destination and one in three visitors to Iceland chooses to watch live whales, allowing whaling to continue does not make sense on any level.

Whaling is a cruel, unnecessary industry which should be consigned to the past before it is allowed to destroy the present.

I urge you to consider that whales are worth far more alive than dead. The future of Iceland can be one of a growing tourism that celebrates the whales that can be found around your incredible country. Please call time on the whalers and instead support your country's whale watch industry.

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