Demand Trump and other Republicans stop spreading disgusting lie that waves of “immigrants are eating your pets”

During Tuesday's Presidential Debate, Trump told a disgusting lie about waves of immigrants in Springfield, Ohio and across America abducting and eating people's pets. This is an out-and-out LIE. Springfield officials have said that. When the debate moderators told him there was no evidence this was happening, Trump doubled down and said he saw it on TV (so it must be true!).

This xenophobic conspiracy theory was previously posted on X (formerly Twitter) by J.D. Vance, and it was also amplified by Elon Musk and Ted Cruz, and right-wing news outlets. (with Haitian immigrants singled out specifically). 

These lies are disgusting and dangerous and stoke violence. Trump, J.D. Vance, Elon Musk, and everyone else who spread this bogus B.S. needs to apologize and STOP spreading it further. 

Sign: Demand Trump, Vance, and other Republicans apologize and stop spreading this disgusting racist lie >>

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