Stop the Abuse of Afghan Women

When Gulsoom was 15, she was forced to marry a 40-year-old man. Her husband was a drug addict who regularly beat her. Feeling trapped in her abusive marriage, Gulsoom attempted suicide by setting herself on fire.

More and more Afghan women are resorting to suicide to escape abuse within forced marriages. Last year, a law was passed in Afghanistan that legalized marital rape. Laws like this keep Afghanistan's hospitals overrun with women who attempt suicide by self-immolation. These women do not have the support of their governments to report their abusers and leave their abusive husbands--they see death as the only way out of their miserable circumstances.

Women should not be seen as second-class citizens. Until the government enforces protection for women and outlaws domestic violence, the women of Afghanistan will continue to seek refuge through suicide. Tell the President of Afghanistan that women need more laws to protect them from violence and abuse.
Dear President Karzai,

More and more Afghan women are resorting to suicide to escape abuse within forced marriages.

Last year, a law was passed in Afghanistan that legalized marital rape. Laws like this keep Afghanistan's hospitals overrun with women who attempt suicide by self-immolation. These women see death as the only way out of their miserable circumstances.

[your comments]

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that "all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights", and that "marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses". I feel that current Afghan laws and practices violate these statements and must be amended.

Women should not be seen as second-class citizens. Afghan women need more laws to protect them from violence and abuse.
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