Citizens of the world request the South African government and other political parties be held responsible by the USA, Human Rights Organizations and world leaders for Genocide and Human Rights Violations.

  • van: Craig M
  • ontvanger: The entire world

We, citizens of the world, do hereby request that the United States of America, all World Human Rights Organizations and World Leaders hold the South African Government accountable for the violent and systematic murder of their minority citizens.The once hopeful South Africa is now in peril. The vile unprovoked murder, rape, and torture of white minorities are unconscionable. The advocating of a slow genocide of White Minorities by boiling the frog in hot water must be stopped. Furthermore, the illegal taking of properties without compensation is a human rights violation and should be prohibited. All lands seized by this corrupt government must be restored to their rightful owners.

All members of the present South African government and other political parties advocating or inciting these atrocities must be charged and held accountable for crimes against humanity.

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