Protect wolves, bears and coyotes from inhumane and indiscriminate poisoning!
Three dangerous poisons – strychnine, Compound 1080 and sodium cyanide – are currently allowed to be used under federal permits to control large predators. Used mostly in Alberta and Saskatchewan as an indiscriminate means of protecting livestock, these poisons have still shown up in B.C. killing our wildlife and pets.
Although it is illegal under the BC Wildlife Act to use poisons to kill wolves, bears and coyotes without a permit, there have been several recent incidences of dogs and wolves being baited with strychnine in communities near the Alberta border. These poisons cause intense suffering and pain, and animals can experience seizures and asphyxiation before death hours or days later. No animal should have to die such an inhumane death.
Health Canada is the federal agency that approves poison use in wildlife control. However, just earlier this year they announced humaneness would not be used in their criteria to assess what poisons should and shouldn't be allowed. In 2019, the BC SPCA submitted a thorough evidence-based assessment criteria for humaneness to Health Canada, but it was disregarded.
Now is your chance to speak out as a special review of these three poisons is underway this spring by Health Canada.
Join the BC SPCA by signing up to join thousands of Canadians to send a clear message to the federal government – these poisons are inhumane and indiscriminate, and should never be used to control wildlife.
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