Call on the Philippines Senate and President to Protect Domestic Workers

  • van: Walk Free
  • ontvanger: Philippines Senate and President
Filipinos are the face of domestic work all around the world. More girls and women leave from the Philippines to find jobs as maids or nannies than from any other country.

But when they show up for their first day of work, many find out they've been deceived. Locked inside the homes of strangers, their passports taken away, often beaten and sexually abused, Filipino girls as young as 9 years old are caught in the nightmare of modern slavery.

For the first time ever, there's a global standard to protect domestic workers, the ILO Convention on Domestic Workers.

It only needs one more country's support to become operative. The Philippines can be that country - and can lead the global fight to end slavery.

Right now, the Philippines Senate is considering a vote on this new standard.

Ask the Philippines Senate to support the legislation and we'll personally deliver your letters of support from all over the world.
Dear Senator,

More young women leave their homes in the Philippines than anywhere else in the world to seek a better life working as nannies and maids.

[Your comment will be added here]

Without any legal protection, these women -- some as young as 9 years old -- are subject to sexual abuse and are forced to work excessive hours for little or no pay.

I urge you to protect your citizens and set an example for the world to follow by supporting ILO Convention 189 today.

Thank you,

[Your name]
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