Save lions from trophy hunting in South Africa. Demand a ban on Canned Lion Hunting now!
- ontvanger: South African President Jacob Zuma and South African Minister of Environmental Affairs Edna Molewa
Canned Lion Hunting is one of the most extreme forms of trophy hunting. In this brutal industry, the lions are bred in captivity and cubs are taken from their mothers when they are only a few days old and reared by hand. They are handled frequently – often by unsuspecting tourists and volunteers – and consequently show little or no fear of humans.
When they are deemed to be at their prime (usually from four to seven years old) the lions are locked in a fenced area, sometimes in a sedated state, and shot by tourist hunters for their 'trophy'.
Anyone can hunt a lion in South Africa – a hunting licence or proven hunting experience isn't usually necessary. This means that many lions aren't killed by the first shot, but die a slow and agonizing death. Sometimes the hunters even choose to kill the lion with a bow and arrow.
We know there are approximately 6,000 lions currently held on 200 breeding farms in South Africa.
Your signature today will help us lobby the South African authorities to put a stop this barbaric 'sport'.
Four Paws International is calling on the South African President Jacob Zuma and the South African Minister of Environmental Affairs Edna Molewa to oppose the powerful lobby of the lion breeders and to ban Canned Lion Hunting for good. Join our campaign today!
Honourable President, Honourable Minister,
South Africa has been an attraction for tourist hunters from the USA and Europe for decades. Its concept, a grim reality. Young lion cubs are taken from their mothers at birth. They are then raised by hand and bred in captivity, as commodities, for the sole purpose of being targeted in an enclosed hunting ground, where they have no chance to evade their hunters. Often times they are drugged or even baited with food.
There are currently more than 6000 lions in 200 breeding farms across the country, and more than 1000 lions are hunted each year. Along with the hunters who participate in this barbaric 'sport', are tourists who are unknowingly aiding the Canned Lion Hunting industry by volunteering at these breeding farms. Because the breeding farms don’t disclose the true reasons as to why they have the cubs, nor why there is a need to nurture them, these volunteers are effectively contributing to this 'sport' by caring for lion cubs that will be shot once they reach maturity.
[Your Comment] I ask you to prohibit Canned Lion Hunting in your country once and for all.
With kind regards,
[Your Name]
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