It is time that Pro-Environment Americans vote their disapproval in the election of 2004!Just a few of the Rollbacks this year:
May 14, 2003: The EPA proposes delaying new rules to reduce smog, endangering the lives of 47 million Americans living in polluted urban areas. April 11, 2003: The Bush Administration announces that it will restrict the number of acres that are eligible for wilderness protection, potentially allowing development of millions of acres of federal lands. March 25, 2003: The decision to phase out polluting snowmobiles in Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks is overturned despite massive public outcry. February 3, 2003: The budget proposal for fiscal year 2004 cuts funding to the EPA, land conservation, and renewable energy programs. January 3, 2003: Certain timber sales are excluded from environmental review under the National Environmental Policy Act.
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