Hold GOP reps in contempt for ignoring subpoenas!

During the recent Hunter Biden hearing by the GOP-controlled House Oversight Committee, Rep. Jared Moskowitz called out the Republicans on the committee for being up in arms about Hunter Biden ignoring a subpoena when they too had done the exact same thing.

Except the GOP didn't ignore a subpoena to appear before a farcical show trial that would involve pictures of Hunter Biden's genitals being paraded around. They ignored subpoenas to appear before the January 6th committee, investigating the mob attack on our democracy and the attempt to steal the election by Donald J. Trump.

Make the GOP pay for ignoring the J6 committee!

Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, Scott Perry, Jim Jordan, Andy Biggs, Mo Brooks and Mark Meadows ALL ignored subpoenas during the investigation into the attack on the Capitol.

There's an amendment coming to add some of those names into the contempt order…You vote to add those names, and show the American people that we apply the law equally ― not just when it's Democrats…Show that you're serious and that everyone is not above the law!" decreed Moskowitz.

No Republican can be allowed to be above the law — the future of our country depends on it. Hold these men in contempt!

Hold GOP reps in contempt for ignoring subpoenas!

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