Help Save Alaska's Wolves
Alaska's wolves won a temporary reprieve when a state court ruled last year against the state's aerial gunning program. But Alaska's Board of Game took emergency action to reverse the court's decision and the state is once again issuing aerial gunning permits for wolves.
More than 550 wolves have been killed since Alaska reinstated its
aerial gunning program. You can help end the slaughter.
Aerial gunning is a brutal practice. Marksmen can gun down wolves from the air that are easy targets against the fallen snow. Or they can even run the wolves to exhaustion, then land and shoot them at point blank range.
Help us put an end to Alaska's aerial gunning programs once and for all. Tell Interior Secretary Kempthorne to do his job and finally enforce the Federal Airborne Hunting Act.
Dear Secretary Kempthorne,
I am outraged by the wolf massacre soon to be underway in Alaska through the practice of aerial gunning. Numerous scientific studies show that wolves are beneficial to the overall health of natural ecosystems. They help keep Alaska's moose and caribou populations healthy and strong. Wolves are also important to Alaska's billion-dollar tourism industry.
I join with Defenders of Wildlife to call upon you to enforce the Federal Airborne Hunting Act and halt this barbaric practice at once.
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