Right now, Secretary Zinke and President Trump are working to allow dangerous offshore drilling in the Arctic's Beaufort Sea.
We can't allow them to destroy vital protections for the Arctic Ocean and the belugas that depend on it. Seismic airgun blasting and offshore drilling would place belugas in unprecedented danger.
We desperately need 50,000 Wavemakers like you to tell the government that we're watching – Can you add your voice now?
Tell Sec. Zinke and President Trump: No dangerous offshore drilling in the Arctic Ocean.
Dear Secretary Zinke and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management,
I stand in opposition to the proposed 2019 offshore oil and gas lease sales in the U.S. Arctic's Beaufort Sea. Under the current 2017-2022 OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Program, lease sales in the Beaufort Sea are prohibited. Initiating the leasing process prior to the finalization and approval of a new 5-year program is reckless and premature. BOEM's action to solicit industry nominations for new lease areas indicates that a decision to offer leases in the Beaufort Sea has already been made, rendering the public process that allows for stakeholder input meaningless.
The Arctic is one of the most diverse and environmentally significant regions on the planet. The region is home to many important marine animals, including beluga whales, polar bears, seals, walrus, migratory birds, and fish. Offshore drilling in this pristine environment would not only jeopardize sensitive marine ecosystems, but also the communities and species that rely on its continued abundance. There is no proven way to clean up oil spilled in sea ice. Unless and until we can prove that drilling in the Arctic Ocean can be done safely, it is a risk we simply cannot afford to take.
We urge the immediate reconsideration of the irresponsible 2019 Beaufort Sea Lease Sale.
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