Express Outrage Over Oklahoma's Law that Posts Personal Abortion Data Online!

Oklahoma recently passed a law requiring that abortion providers fill out a 10-page questionnaire for each procedure, and that details of abortions be posted on a public Web site!

This extensive questionnaire - which includes the reason the procedure was sought - is not only an affront to women's rights, its detailed nature may allow women in small towns to be identified, violating their privacy and potentially jeopardizing their life and livelihood.

The law is being challenged as unconstitutional in court. In December, a temporary restraining order was placed on the law to keep it from going into effect until February 2010. Over the next several weeks, we must send a strong message that we won't let Oklahoma serve as a testing ground for extreme anti-choice legislation nationwide!

Sign the petition letter to the law's author, Senator Todd Lamb, and stand up for women's right to reproductive choice.
Dear Senator Lamb,

I am writing you today to express my outrage over Oklahoma's law requiring "anonymous" public sharing of abortion patients' personal data online. In every respect, this law is immoral, unjust and nonsensical.

[Your comments here]

As someone who is running for lieutenant governor in 2010, you should understand that a women's right to safe, legal and confidential abortion must not be compromised. The law you authored does not "...move Oklahoma forward in the 21st century," like you purport other public policies do. In fact, it is a step backward for women's rights.

The real aim of this law is to persuade doctors to stop performing abortions by placing new burdens on their practice, to intimidate and shame women, and to stigmatize a legal medical procedure that one in three women have at some point in their lives. Simply put, the law is dangerous and an affront to women's rights.

I stand with the women of Oklahoma - and with women across the country - when I say that the pro-choice majority will not let Oklahoma serve as a testing ground for extreme anti-choice legislation nationwide!
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