They've Been Stuck for Seven Weeks on the Ship That Crashed Into a Baltimore Bridge. Justice for the Dali Crew!

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. Customs and Border Protection

Twenty-one crew members originating from India and Sri Lanka have been unfairly stranded on their cargo ship in Baltimore for almost two months since it first crashed into a Baltimore bridge. In addition to being trapped on the ship since March, the crew is facing difficult circumstances. They are living through controlled explosions to dismantle the wreckage above their ship, and have had their phones confiscated by the FBI – making paying bills, sending money home, and even communicating with loved ones essentially impossible. The treatment the crew is facing is simply unethical, and more needs to be done.

Sign this petition to demand the U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. Customs and Border Protection extend or renew the visas of the Dali crew members, and re-evaluate who might be able to fly home!

The psychological impact of such events on the crew is profound. As they manage the safety and maintenance of a non-operational ship, they are also required to assist in ongoing investigations and salvage operations. The combination of their critical operational role and the extraordinary circumstances they face highlights the urgent need for compassion and action from U.S. authorities.

We call on the U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. Customs and Border Protection to immediately extend or renew the visas of these crew members. Additionally, it is crucial to re-evaluate the necessity for each crew member to remain on board, allowing those who are not essential to the immediate needs of the ship to return home and recover from this ordeal.

Join us in advocating for these unseen heroes of global trade, whose current plight goes largely unnoticed by the public. They deserve to be treated with dignity and to receive the support necessary to navigate this traumatic time.

Sign this petition to help ensure the crew of the Dali receives the extensions and evaluations they desperately need for their well-being and safe return to their families!

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