Demand Answers NOW to Protect Panthers

There are fewer than 230 Florida panthers left in the world — and their existence is under threat from habitat destruction, a lack of genetic diversity, and corruption. That's right, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — the agency charged with protecting endangered wildlife like the panther — is taking payments from the very developers destroying panther habitat. 

We need answers and action to make sure the Florida panther isn't driven to extinction because of unethical financial dealings. Join Earthjustice in urging Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland to launch an investigation now.

Holding governments accountable, wielding the power of environmental law, and protecting the planet we love is what Earthjustice does, but we can't do it alone. Join our call for accountability and help Earthjustice lawyers make their case for the Florida panther's protection under the Endangered Species Act.

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