Demand Gregory Andrews saves the koala from extinction on our east-coast

  • van: Michael Taylor
  • ontvanger: Gregory Andrews, threatened species commissioner
Koala numbers in Eastern Australia are declining rapidly, and if the current trend continues, koala bears in Queensland and NSW will be wiped out in years.

Regions near Toowoomba and Mackay in Queensland have suffered drops of up to 80%. In Queensland, the population has diminished by 53%.

Urban development, tree clearing and the expansion of farms have contributed to the decline of the koala. Other states have successfully funded conservation projects, and although koala populations are recovering, more can be done.

We need to fund organizations with a long-term and sustainable plan for koala recovery, and excessive tree-clearing must be reigned in.

Sign the petition to demand Gregory Andrews, threatened species commissioner, to start funding koala conservation efforts before it's too late.
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