Implement Immediate Animal Cruelty Registry to Stop the Abuse in Connecticut

  • van: Sue Lee
  • ontvanger: Connecticut State Legislators

Connecticut has had concerns about animal abuse and cruelty, with some attempts to implement something similar to an animal cruelty registry.  The North Haven First Selectman Chairman Michael Freda has been in favor of a proposal to protect animals in pet shops and shelters while also assisting animal control officers in warding off cruelty. He states that "What we have seen clearly is a linkage between animal abuse, domestic abuse, child abuse and substance abuse and sexual abuse.” Read more on these proposed efforts to protect animals at

It is a proven fact that domestic, child and animal abuse are so closely related.  The coalition on domestic abuse is working closely with the Connecticut Veterinary Medical Association in support of a recent proposal for an animal cruelty registry.  Such a database would include detailed information on abusers to ensure the well-being of animals.  It would be a crucial tool for shelters and other agencies in the companion animal business who can use the registry as a means to better screen potential guardians.

Most often, once an offender strikes, they are most likely going to strike again.  The registry works to take away such repeat offenses.  An animal abuse and cruelty registry should be strictly enforced in order to be effective; similar in stature to that of sex offender, child and elderly abuse registries.  With all information in the data of an abuser, such persons should remain there for a lifetime and be banned in future pet ownership or working and caring for animals. 

Our efforts in this petition is to ensure that Connecticut moves forward with their proposal and ensure the passage of an animal cruelty registry.  Animal cruelty is continually on the rise and we all have to move forward in saving those without a voice.  You can help in our efforts by signing and sharing this petition. We need to take a firm stand state-by-state and finally nationwide in protecting defenseless animals.

Connecticut State Legislators – It is very impressive that you have made a great stride in protecting animals statewide by proposing something similar to an animal abuse registry.  We want to strongly urge you to move forward with these efforts. Such a data base should be similar in stature to that of sex offenders and child abusers with all information on such offenders.  The data base needs to be strictly enforced in order to be fully effective, keeping the abusers in the data base for a lifetime and ensure they are banned in future pet ownership or working and caring for animals. We need to take a firm stand state-by-state and finally nationwide in protecting defenseless animals.

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