Tell Starbucks to take a real stand on GMOs and drop out of the GMA!

A recent Green America campaign petitioned Starbucks to stop using milk from GMO-fed cows in their drinks. Sadly, Starbucks continues to serve non-organic milk and hasn't communicated any intent to switch. Now, the Grocery Manufacturer's Association (GMA), of which Starbucks is a member, is suing the state of Vermont to overturn a new law to label genetically modified foods.

While Starbucks is not personally suing Vermont, their inclusion in GMA sends the message that they support the lawsuit and GMOs. Research by NPD group, inc. shows that half of U.S. consumers are concerned about genetically modified foods, and they deserve to know the source of the foods they put in their bodies and feed their families.

Starbucks has shown leadership in offering vegan options and organic and fair trade coffee. Their decision to use GMO milk and support anti-GMO labeling laws through their membership in the GMA is inconsistent with their socially and nutritionally conscious image. Please sign the petition to urge Starbucks to withdraw their support of anti-GMO labeling laws and drop out of the GMA!

We, the undersigned, are concerned with your continued use of non-organic milk, and with your membership in the Grocery Manufacturer's Association, which is suing the state of Vermont to overturn a new law to label genetically modified foods.

While we understand Starbucks is not personally suing Vermont, your inclusion in GMA sends the message that you support the lawsuit and GMOs. Research by NPD group, inc. shows that half of U.S. consumers are concerned about genetically modified foods, and we believe they deserve to know the source of the foods they put in their bodies and feed their families.

Starbucks has shown leadership in offering vegan options and organic and fair trade coffee. We believe your decision to use GMO milk and support anti-GMO labeling laws through your membership in the GMA is inconsistent with your socially and nutritionally conscious image. We respectfully urge you to withdraw your support of anti-GMO labeling laws and drop out of the GMA. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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