This Woman Abandoned Her Dog and Left It to Die

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: Springfield MO Police Department
The video is short, just 46 seconds long, but what you see in the less-than-a-minute clip is enough to break your heart.

An SUV appears from the right side of the frame, it backs onto the side of the road and a woman opens the door. Seconds later she hops back inside and drives away. If it had just ended there would be nothing sinister about it. But as the SUV pulls away you notice a dog nosing around in the grass. When it looks up, it sees its owner driving away, and — in a panic — gives chase.

We don't know why this person decided to abandon their dog on the side of a Springfield, Missouri road. What we do know is that dog abandonment is illegal in the state of Missouri and most other states within the U.S. In fact, in Missouri, the first offense is considered a class C misdemeanor and can land you in jail. Subsequent offenses are even more severe.

Animal abandonment is not only cruel, it's heartless, and those who do it should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The woman in this video should be found and charged for her crime, and with your help, we can convince officials to continue to look for the culprit.

Please sign the petition and ask Springfield MO police to find the woman responsible for this terrible act and bring her to justice.

Photo credit: Cater News Agency
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