Demand that Huntingdon District Council stop plans to build on the lovely old meadow at Glebe Farm in Sawtry, Cambs

  • van: John Gillis
  • ontvanger: Huntingdon District Council planning committee and the relevant Parliamentary ministers
This lovely old meadow is a haven for wildlife of all types including Great Crested Newts ,old hedgerows filled with the noises of nesting birds, regularly visited by Red Kites, Owls, Kestrels and sparrow Hawks plus foxes, badgers, hares and various small deer and bats AND not within current Village boundaries nor within the District Councils development plan for housing and even though acres of brownfield land have become available with the closure of Air Force bases at Alconbury, Brampton, Wyton etc.etc.The meadow has never been intensively farmed because it contains many ponds and is frequently under water
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