Take a Closer Look for Horse Abuse

The nation's horses need our attention. Seeing a horse in an open field can conjure up feelings of beauty, freedom and new frontiers.
But what do you see when you look closer? Is the horse really OK? Or is his skin pulling tight against his ribs? Is his body emaciated or injured? Is he wandering on his own farm, or has he been abandoned there?
Horses need us now, more than ever, to take that closer look. If you see any kind of horse abuse, please be sure to call animal control in your area.
Experts indicate that horse neglect and abuse is on the rise nationwide. Too many horses are being starved, or just plain deserted in other people's fields, as their owners struggle with meeting the rising cost of hay and care in this tough economy.
Other horses are being tortured, beaten or kept in unsafe, unhealthy environments -- even tethered to trees with no way to escape deadly cold or heat.
American Humane Association has created the National Horse Abuse Investigation School, where people learn how to spot the signs of horse abuse -- and how to ensure convicted abusers are held accountable.
Sign this pledge to help save horses from abuse and neglect, support AHA's National Horse Abuse Investigation School and take a closer look.
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