Support a Strong, Scientific Safeguard Against Soot

  • van: Sierra Club
  • ontvanger: President Barack Obama, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson
Soot kills. It causes respiratory ailments, heart attacks, premature deaths, and a wide range of other serious health problems. But existing safeguards against deadly soot pollution have been shown to be inadequate for communities living in the shadow of coal-fired power plants.

Now President Obama and the Environmental Protection Agency have the opportunity to update those protections and make them meaningful. A proposed clean-air safeguard for soot could help millions of Americans breathe easier every year.

In communities across the country, families deserve to know their air is safe. That's why a strong, scientific standard for soot pollution is so important.

Stand up for life-saving soot protections. Send a message supporting strong soot safeguards now!
Subject: Support a strong soot standard! (Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2007-0492)

Dear President Obama and Administrator Jackson,

I commend you for moving forward with an update to existing standards for soot pollution, which your own scientists and independent experts confirm are not strong enough to protect public health. In order to save lives and prevent more illness, I urge you to strengthen the standards beyond what has been proposed. Please stand strong and deliver an annual standard of 11 μg/m³ and a daily standard of 25 μg/m³.

The science is clear: soot is deadly. Doctors and scientists tell us that it is one of the most dangerous and widespread pollutants, and that thousands of Americans die prematurely each year because their air is literally unsafe to breathe. Children, the elderly, and those with respiratory and cardiovascular conditions are particularly vulnerable. Every family has someone at risk of being harmed from exposure to soot pollution.

Thank you for all that your administration has done to clean up our air and water and hold corporate polluters accountable. We are moving in the right direction, and families everywhere are counting on you to keep up the momentum. Please deliver a strong soot standard that is fully protective of public health.
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