Trump is a flight Risk. Make him wear an ankle monitor

Donald Trump is facing dozens of charges, and a long stretch in prison. It's believed the main reason he's running for president is to pardon himself if he gets elected. And if he starts falling in the polls, and sees his chances slipping away, fleeing the country may be his best option.

Which is why he should be wearing an ankle monitor, should be tracked 24/7, and put in prison if he tries to flee.

Trump has a host of despots and autocrats ready to give him asylum, most notably Putin in Russia. And a Trump overseas, and out of the range of US authorities would be far, far more dangerous than he already is.

Trump is a criminal, and it's time to start treating him accordingly. And we need to take steps NOW to prevent him from fleeing justice and wreaking havoc.

Add your name, and call for Trump to be forced to wear an ankle monitor.

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