End Donkey and Mule Exploitation in Santorini

  • van: PETA U.S.
  • ontvanger: Olga Kefalogianni, Minister of Tourism, Greece

After PETA Germany's 2018 exposé, the Greek Ministry for Rural Development passed a new law to prohibit tourists weighing over 220 pounds from participating in animal rides. Yet PETA Germany's 2019 and 2022 footage shows that the law has been neither observed nor enforced. So PETA Germany has filed a criminal complaint with the relevant Greek authorities. Greece must ban donkey and mule rides altogether, as this is the only way to guarantee the animals' protection and end their suffering and exploitation.

When you book your next vacation, please leave donkey rides and other cruel animal experiences off your itinerary. If you're asked to participate in an activity that profits from animal abuse during a vacation, please tell the organizers that you refuse to take part because no one deserves to suffer for entertainment.

Also, ask them to stop offering such activities in the future. Please help keep the pressure on the Greek government to do right by the animals and stop permitting abusive donkey and mule "taxi" rides on Santorini.

To whom it may concern:

I was shocked to learn that PETA Germany's third investigation into donkey and mule rides on the Greek island of Santorini has exposed even more cruelty. Donkeys are forced to haul tourists up steep steps with no access to food, water, or shade. Handlers whip and beat them and force them to wear painfully sharp metal muzzles. 

The law that was passed following PETA Germany's 2018 investigation prohibiting people who weigh over 220 pounds from riding is also being ignored. Images taken in October 2020 and July 2022 show that handlers often hit donkeys with wooden sticks, and tourists kick them.

This must stop! More and more tourist regions around the globe are showing their commitment to animals' well-being. Cities such as Mallorca, Chicago, Prague, and Montréal have all taken a stand against the use of animals as a means of transportation by implementing bans or restrictions on horse-drawn carriages. Santorini must follow this compassionate example. Donkeys and mules in Greece should receive proper care and be free from physical harm. Please don't ignore their rights by treating them like vehicles for tourists. The only way to guarantee them a life free from torment is by banning animal rides and then enforcing the law.

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