Make the Pledge to Help American Forests Fight Climate Change!

These are changing times and the impact of the COVID-19 global pandemic provides a unique chance to revel in what unites us all – our shared planet. This year, as we mark the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, remember there is strength in community, and together we can bring attention to the solution for climate change – our forests.

Even in the face of this pandemic, our work to fight climate change and restore our forests must continue. Trees are our best hope for capturing and storing large quantities of the carbon dioxide that is rapidly destroying our planet. Planting trees and deploying other climate-smart restoration techniques to nurture the growth of healthy and resilient forests is the best action we can take today to slow the impacts of climate change.

American Forests is committed to planting 4 billion trees across the country over the next 10 years as a part of the Trillion Tree Challenge.

Forests currently absorb almost 15 percent of U.S. carbon emissions each year. As the nation's oldest conservation organization, our goal is to double the quantity of carbon emissions stored in our forests. Our work will also rebuild landscapes, recovering hundreds of thousands of acres of wildlife habitat, safeguard vital watersheds, and protect our stunning landscapes, while making our city streets greener and more verdant and sustainable.

Will you join with American Forests' commitment to plant 4 billion trees by 2030 to combat climate change?

To mark the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, I am committed to doing my part to help solve climate change by supporting the mission and work of American Forests to plant 4 billion trees by 2030!

Our forests are experiencing loss and destruction at an alarming rate, and only by coming together can we slow climate change. Trees are our best hope. As more trees are planted, our air and water will become cleaner and our cities more livable and sustainable.

We must unite to protect our planet and restore forests for generations to come.

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