Take action for countries about to face humanitarian crises

Raise the alarm for the top 20 countries facing the worst humanitarian crises of 2023 if nothing is done.

90 percent of people in need of humanitarian aid are living in these countries, yet they are home to 13 percent of the global population.

We can no longer turn away from countries like Somalia, Ethiopia, and Afghanistan that are on the precipice of a worsening crisis.

The escalation of the war in Ukraine and the long-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic sent economic shocks around the world, increasing global food prices.

The effects have been felt most severely in Watchlist countries, where markets have collapsed and food shortages have made it difficult for families to put food on the table.

The world must act now to break the cycle of crisis, protect civilians in conflict and manage shared global risks together.

Sign our petition if you believe no child or family should have to face these challenges alone.
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