Email your MP: Ask them to speak out against fur cruelty

HSI UK logoThe UK was the first country to ban fur farming in 2000, and more than a dozen countries across Europe have followed suit. Fur from dogs, cats and seals are not allowed in, but we're still allowing imports of millions of pounds of other animals' furs each year from countries such as Poland, Finland, China and France.

Animals killed for their fur suffer terribly. Whether they are caught in leg-hold traps in the wild or raised in cramped wire cages on factory farms, raising and killing animals for frivolous fashion accessories is cruel and unacceptable.

Members of Parliament will have the opportunity to debate the issue in Westminster Hall, at 4.30pm on 4th June 2018.

If you have a UK address, clicking 'Sign Now' will send an email to your MP, from your email address. Click 'Read petition letter' below to see the text of the email that will be sent.

Dear [MP],

I am horrified by the cruelty inflicted on animals in the name of fur.

The fur trade has no place in any compassionate society, and I am very pleased that Members of Parliament will have the opportunity to debate the issue in Westminster Hall, at 4.30pm on 4th June 2018. More than 425,000 people have recently signed petitions in support of a ban on the import and sale of real fur in the UK.

As my elected representative, I would be pleased if you would attend that debate and speak in support of extending existing fur import bans (for cats, dogs and seals) to cover all species exploited by the fur trade.

Fur farming was banned almost twenty years ago - a bold step that showed the UK's leadership in standing up against animal cruelty. So far, more than a dozen countries across Europe have followed our lead and banned fur farming.

However, we are now effectively outsourcing that same cruelty to farmers and trappers overseas. We import many millions of pounds worth of animal fur each year, from countries such as Poland, Finland, China and France.

I understand it is illegal to import fur from cats, dogs and seals to the UK, but I don't believe this is a fair or valid distinction. The fur trade causes suffering to all species, and I would like to see those import bans extended to prohibit trade in the furs of all animals.

The fur trade claims that it has schemes to look after the welfare of animals kept in tiny cages, but these are meaningless and there is no such thing as 'humane fur farming'.


Please attend the debate in Westminster Hall on Monday 4 June 2018 at 4.30pm and support the call for our country to be a world leader in animal welfare by taking a moral stand against a cruel, outdated and unnecessary industry.

For more information ahead of the debate, please contact Humane Society International/UK:

Thank you for speaking up for animals,

Yours sincerely,
[Your name and address]
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