A Detroit Man Buried His Dog Alive. He Can Still Legally Own Animals.

A man in Detroit was arrested and charged after he attempted to bury his dog alive in his backyard. Tragically, the poor animal suffered severe injuries from the incident, and had to be euthanized. Anyone who is able to bury a dog alive should never be allowed to own animals again in the future, and desperately needs support via counseling. 

Sign now to tell local authorities in Detroit: sentence this man to a lifetime ban on animal ownership, and require him to attend counseling!

While the details of the case aren't immediately clear, and the officials who arrived on scene haven't commented on this atrocity, one can only imagine how much suffering this dog endured in its final hours.

Burying an animal alive is not only terribly cruel to the animal, it is something a person should not be emotionally capable of doing. The best way we can protect animals in the future from horrific crimes like this is to make sure this man cannot own any more animals in the future and require him to attend counseling to get to the root of what led him to this atrocious act. 

Sign the petition now to tell prosecutors: sentence this man to a lifetime ban on animal ownership and mandatory counseling! 

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