Thank AG Bob Ferguson for Standing Up to Coal Mining on Public Lands

In Washington, we understand how transporting coal through our communities harms our health, our mobility, and our environment. The public has a right to know how public lands policy especially for oil and coal will affect them. That’s why Washington's Attorney General Bob Ferguson recently filed a lawsuit against the Department of the Interior and the Bureau of Land Management for stopping the review of environmental impacts from coal mining on public lands and transporting that coal through our communities.

In the spring of 2016, the Bureau of Land Management started to update a 38-year old information on the impacts of coal mining on public lands for everything from climate change and public health concerns, to traffic backups and gridlock from coal trains.

The new Trump Administration suddenly stopped this environmental impact study process, which opens the door for coal companies to buy public lands for their own benefit leaving us with all the costs. We are grateful to have an Attorney General who is willing to stand up and hold this new administration accountable.

Join us in thanking Attorney General Bob Ferguson for taking action to protect the health of Washingtonians.

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