Boehner: End Republicans' Anti-Women Agenda

Washington's Republicans have been playing politics with women ever since they gained power in Congress. They've attacked women's right to contraception. They've inserted the government into women's health care decisions. They've even voted against the Violence Against Women Act, turning a law that protects women and prevents domestic violence into a political charade.

Some Republicans claim they're not waging a War on Women -- but one look at their records exposes their anti-women agenda.

We need to send a message to House Speaker John Boehner and his Republican Party that they need to respect women. Tell Congressional Republicans to back off their War on American Women.
Washington's Republicans are playing politics with women's health and safety. They've waged a war against reproductive rights, including contraception. They've worked to undermined women's health and voted against the Violence Against Women Act -- denying protect to many Native American and immigrant women, as well as others threatened by domestic violence.

We, the undersigned, demand an end to congressional Republicans anti-woman agenda.
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