Demand the Government Bans the Pilbara Trawl Fishery - at Least 50 Protected Dolphins and Countless Other Creatures Die Each Year

  • van: Georgina B.
  • ontvanger: Federal Environment Minister, Greg Hunt

Independent scientists allege the West Australian government used a report labelled as "misleading" when deciding a multi-million dollar fishing trawl in the state's north that endangers dolphins, according to a report in WA

It is alleged that at least 50 protected dolphins were killed every year as by-catch in the Pilbara Trawl Fishery - and this is while the Department of Fisheries produced a document, part-funded by industry, to convince the federal government the trawl was sustainable.

Other species including the protected and critically endangered sawfish are also alleged to have been caught.

Moreover, it is alleged that Fisheries has video footage showing how dolphins suffer traumatic deaths as they struggle to break free from entanglement in the nets slowly dragged along by the trawlers.

Dolphins deserve to be protected. Will you join me in urging the Federal Environment Minister, Greg Hunt, to ban the Pilbara Trawl Fishery?

Please sign and share the petition!

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