Help Shut Down Puppy Mills

Large-scale "puppy mills" are breeding facilities that put profits before the well-being of dogs and puppies. Breeding dogs are forced to live out their entire lives in tiny, filthy cages and will never see daylight or feel grass beneath their paws.

Adult dogs are bred constantly with little or no rest between litters. When they can no longer breed, they're often killed or abandoned. These dogs live in overcrowded cages covered with feces and urine; they're infested with ticks and parasites, and have almost no human contact.

Sick and injured dogs are left to suffer since veterinary bills dip into profits. Puppies are sold by local pet stores despite having chronic illnesses or hereditary diseases. Existing laws that regulate these cruel businesses often have lax or nonexistent enforcement. It is up to us to help these innocent animal victims.

Dogs are not a "cash crop." Pledge to do what you can to shut down puppy mills once and for all.

-- NEVER purchase a puppy from a pet store or classified ad;
-- Educate my friends and family about puppy mills;
-- Support efforts in my own community to shut down puppy mills.
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