Send Rush Limbaugh a Farewell Card!

You and I know there are plenty of reasons to support health insurance reform, but this week, Rush Limbaugh put the icing on the cake: On his radio show, Rush actually said that if the reforms Democrats are proposing go into effect, he is leaving the country. "I'll go to Costa Rica," Limbaugh said.

Ironically, Costa Rica offers universal health care to all of its residents. But even if Rush overlooked the minor details, we wanted to still give him something to remember us by when he's gone, so we've putting together a virtual farewell card for him.

Sign the virtual card below and add a personal message letting Rush know why you're happy to see healthcare reform passed in the United States!

Dear Rush:

While we have all enjoyed your antics over the years, I wanted to wish you the best of luck in your move. I hope you have a speedy departure -- if you leave quickly you can avoid paying the higher summer fares!

[Your comment will be inserted here]

God Speed!
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