Tell U.S. Congress: Lives Are at Risk. Protect International Aid

Funding for lifesaving U.S. international assistance was gutted with little to no explanation or rationale – halting vital CARE programs and leaving about 18 million people without the support they were counting on.

This sudden freeze in funding has real, devastating consequences – families are left without food, communities without clean water, and hospitals without essential medical supplies. These programs don't just save lives; they create economic opportunities and keep America and the world safer.

Urge U.S. Congress to protect these lifesaving investments and continue saving lives everywhere.
As a CARE Action advocate, I am deeply concerned about any cuts to U.S. international assistance. These critical investments save lives, promote global stability, and strengthen America's security and economy.

I urge you to protect this vital funding — both development and humanitarian — now. U.S. international assistance is not only the right thing to do but also the smart thing to do. At less than one percent of the federal budget, these investments more than pay for themselves by reducing the need for costly emergency interventions, preventing future crises from escalating into conflicts, and creating new markets that support U.S. economic growth.

Across the globe, U.S. international assistance helps communities recover and rebuild after crises, provides healthcare to mothers and children, and ensures families have access to food, clean water, and shelter. Without this support, millions of people will face devastating — and in some cases, deadly — consequences. In an interconnected world, what happens abroad directly impacts America's health, economy, and national security.

I urge you to take action and protect U.S. international assistance — both development and humanitarian — at all costs. Cutting these programs would not only risk lives, but also weaken U.S. global leadership, economic strength, and long-term security.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. I look forward to your leadership in protecting U.S. international investments and ensuring America continues to lead with generosity, innovation, and strategic foresight.
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